Hoy, hoy, fools.
Figured I might as well jam down some kinda blog update so it ain't completely dead around here (and definitely not because I like pretending people listen to me).
I'll cut straight to the chase -- I'd have art for postin' but most of my brain-juice has gone into writing the rules for a dumb "tabletop" game I've been plugging away at for a fair bit of time now, and while what art I did get done has many noticeable signs of improvement, I just don't have enough to fill a whole page, so it seems hells of lacking.
I also did a bunch of rethinking on the design of li'l bird me, but it's all on traditional media because I'm a genius (and cheap mechanical pencils take me back to a simpler time). Now the sexiness gap between real me and fake me is even wider!
Anyway broad strokes is I'll be posting more often soon once I've gotten my schedule properly sorted and I make time to draw more.
Or y'know, whatever responsible jargon I'm supposed to be spittin'. Being an adult is complicated.
Ask me questions if you want. I dunno why you would but maybe there's someone out there chomping at the bit to test a random stranger's isekai manga trivia knowledge or something.
(I liked the one with the invincible witch that kills slimes. At least until the fourth or fifth waifu or so, then it got a little stale.)
Toodles, foodles.
~a bird